So much to celebrate in 2024!

What an incredible year 2024 has been at Genesis Church! Before you scroll onward, take a moment to watch the video message above
from Pastor Paul Mumaw.


Our church is committed to using your generous contributions to further the mission and ministry of Christ in our community and beyond. Each year, we allocate our resources to several key areas:

We carefully review and revise this budget on at least an annual basis to ensure that our resources are being used wisely and effectively in support of our mission and values.

Generosity By the numbers: 

Total 2024 income = $2,878,366.34

Total 2024 expenses = $2,546,395.88

Balance at the end of 2024 = $331,970.46

In 2024, 581 unique givers (186 first time givers), made 7,779 donations to advance the ministry of helping people find their way back to God.


Worship at Genesis is more than just music on Sundays—it’s a lifestyle of adoration for God. We sing and learn scripture together, deepening our understanding and commitment to His Word.

WORSHIP By the numbers:

953 | Average weekly attendance in 2024

24 | Baptisms in 2024

13.5% | Growth of weekly attendance

from 2023 to 2024

“Serving at Genesis has truly broken me out of my shell and opened up a whole new chapter of life for me on my walk of faith...It may seem small, but using skills that God has given me to help spread His Word has changed my life and gifted me with a sense of purpose; or rather a role to play in the evangelism of our community.”

Ryan Replogle - Genesis Church Online Team 


This year, we partnered with hundreds of parents and volunteers to help children build a personal relationship with Jesus, through creativity, relationships, and age-appropriate Bible teaching.

GENKIDS By the numbers:

184 | Weekly average of GenKids in 2024

17.2 | Percentage of weekly attendance in GenKids growth from 2023

204 | Unique GenKids volunteers in 2024

Just recently, a 7-year-old “GenKid” put his newfound understanding of the “3 Circles” into his art.

The child’s parent found a drawing of the “3 Circles” in the child's notebook, perfectly capturing the Gospel message: God’s perfect plan, the brokenness caused by sin, and how Jesus restores everything.

Moments like this remind us of the power of teaching the Gospel in ways kids can understand. The "3 Circles" is more than just a lesson; it’s a tool that helps children see God’s big story in their own lives. As they begin to share that story with others, we see how these little hearts are being shaped for a lifetime of faith.


Genesis Student Ministry (GSM) partners with parents and volunteers to help students grow closer to God through intentional disciple-making relationships, conferences, and programs with the goal of awakening a generation to God's call on their lives.

GSM By the numbers:

113 | Average weekly attendance

Set record attendance for summer conferences:

114 | Students at summer conferences

24 | Leaders at summer conferences

One of our high school students relentlessly invited an unchurched friend to the MOVE conference last summer. The friend finally said yes, went to MOVE, and then made the decision to give her life to Jesus. She was baptized in the fall and now she’s also taking steps in making disciples.


At Genesis, groups serve as smaller communities within the larger church, providing the primary environment for disciple-making and spiritual growth.

GROUPS By the numbers:

42 | Unique groups

57% | Genesis adults in a group

382 | Group participants

One group celebrated two baptisms on February 16th, 2025! It’s amazing to see how the Ramirez’s (pictured) decision last fall to lead a group was inspired by noticing people near them on Sundays who weren’t connected. God has been growing everyone in the group, shaping them into stronger disciples.


Outreach at Genesis involves building partnerships locally and globally to fulfill Jesus' command in Acts 1:8, with every dollar given supporting missionaries who make a Kingdom impact while also transforming our own lives.

the numbers:

Total Partners | 19

Global Organizations | 3

Local Organizations | 7

Missionaries | 6

Church Plants | 3

In 2024, Genesis played a pivotal role in answering the call for Brandon and Katie Hutchens to become full-time missionaries in the Dominican Republic. After sensing God’s clear direction during a Genesis exploratory trip earlier in the year, they are now serving full-time in the Dominican Republic.

Christmas Offering

The Christmas Offering is a generosity event where we celebrate God’s provision, which directly funds our local partners, missionaries, and church plants. Your participation impacts lives spanning from Hamilton County to communities worldwide, transforming countless lives through practical support and the Gospel.

By the numbers:

Total Given | $244,500

Global Partners | $53,000

Local Organizations | $64,500

Missionaries | $45,000

Church Plants | $30,000

GSM & GenKids | $52,000

“Your generous (Christmas Offering) gift will not only help feed school children but also support church members in need, especially the elderly who are often overlooked. It will allow us to provide essential food staples like rice and beans, ensuring that families facing tough times can put food on the table when we otherwise wouldn't have the means.”

Nehemiah Vision Ministries (Haiti)

As a staff, it’s a joy and an honor to serve the Genesis Church family. Whether it’s through kids, students, worship, groups, outreach, or pastoral care, our heart is to follow God’s leading every step of the way. We’re grateful to walk this journey of helping people find their way back to God alongside you, and we’re excited to see all that God will do in and through us in 2025!