Week 25: Living A Sent Life/ Be a Barnabas
In his letter to the Ephesians, the Apostle Paul reminds followers of Jesus that living a Sent life begins by allowing our behaviors to flow from our identity in Christ. We must continually abide in him so that our relationship with him can guide the way we live for him.
Week 24: Shipwrecks, Snake Bites and House Arrest!
The final chapter of the book of Acts begins with the Apostle Paul surviving a shipwreck then being bitten by a viper…and it ends with him on house arrest and chained to a Roman soldier. But in spite of those challenges, he continued to live out his faith in Jesus and even got to see the fruits of his labor. In this final chapter of Acts, Paul shows us how to stay on mission for Jesus, especially when it would be easier just to give up.
WEEK 23: The Pathway To Peace
Life is guaranteed to be stormy at times, but what do you do when the storms of life attack your peace and rob you of joy? In Acts 27 the Apostle Paul shows us that it is possible to experience and share the peace of God in spite of the storms of life.
Week 22: The Inconvenience of Jesus / The Trial Of Our Lives
In Acts 24 Luke gives us a contrast between two men who respond very differently to the convenience of Jesus as Lord. The truth is, very little about following Jesus is convenient; it requires that we give total Lordship to every area of our lives. But, living under the Lordship of Jesus is the best place for us and also the honor he deserves.
In Acts 24, Paul was on trial before Roman governor Felix and he was blameless. Paul shamelessly preached about faith in Jesus and so put Felix on trial in his conscience. As Christians, whether we like it or not, our faith is on trial before a watching world so like Paul we must live blameless and be shameless about Christ. After this life, every one of us will stand before God and face judgment – it will be the trial of our lives. Paul trusted in Jesus and was prepared to stand before God. Are you ready for the trial of your life?
Week 21: You Have A Story To Tell
The story of what God has done in our lives is meant to be on our lips everywhere we go. In Acts 22 we will discover that Jesus called Paul to use his story to share God's story, and that he calls us to do the same.
Week 20: Faithful to the End
Farewell speeches have the potential to inspire and instruct. In Acts 20, Paul offers some important words for how to live a faithful life for Jesus in this world.
Week 19: Burn The Scrolls!
In Acts 19, we find the Apostle Paul continuing his missionary work in the city of Ephesus. During his time there, the Holy Spirit used Paul’s faithfulness in the small things to accomplish big things for God’s Kingdom. But the biggest impact may have been what happens at the end of the chapter when the Holy Spirit convicted followers of Jesus to burn the very things that represented their hidden sins.
WEEK 18: Ordinary Nobodies
God is able to work through anyone who is willing and ready to be used by Him.
Week 17: The Unknown God
In Acts 17 the Apostle Paul arrived in a city where people weren’t just far from God – they were completely confused about who God is and what He is like. But instead of getting angry or shrugging his shoulders and walking away, he applied his perspective as a follower of Jesus to introduce them to “an unknown God” who had the power to give them eternal life.
20 Year Celebration
Pastor Paul Mumaw address the entire church at our 20 Year Celebration. He speaks to us about what real life change looks like, and how we as a church are called to help people find their way back to God.
Outdoor Worship
We gathered as one church outdoors at the Carmel campus, and Lead Pastor Paul Mumaw shared a message about Grace from Acts 15, as we continue our series called "Sent".
Week 16: Being Intentional With Our Time
In Acts 14, we see Paul and Barnabas finish up a long, fruitful missionary journey. But instead of going home, we are told they went back to Antioch and "spent lots of time with the believers there." What can we learn from this passage, and how can we use it to help us use our time to intentionally invest in others?
Week 15: Called To Be Where You Are
Time and time again throughout the book of Acts we have seen how God uses ordinary people to take the message of Jesus to familiar places. Where are the familiar places the Holy Spirit is leading you to have an influence for Jesus?
Week 14: I Need a Miracle!
From school to work to relationships to kids to finances, life is hard. But then there are those problems that come flying into our lives from out of nowhere and make life all the more overwhelming. Do you feel stuck with nothing left to give? Waiting on God for a miracle? The good news is that God has what we need and prayer is a gift given to us to help us through.
Week 13: Dead to Sin. Alive in Christ.
Week 12: There Is No Them… Only Us
Week 11: A Gospel For Everyone
Week 10: Back To Life
Week 9: A Better Way to Live
Week 8: When Victory Looks Like Defeat
Week 7: Where God Is / Jesus On mission
Week 6: Nothing But Ordinary
Week 5: Keep Calm & Carry On
Week 4: Bold Moves, Bold Prayers