Week 4: Running on Empty
We're always on the move, never slowing down. Are you exhausted? Feel like you are running on empty? It doesn't have to be like that. God has offered us a better way.
Week 4: Lord, Teach us to Pray
Prayer is meant to be a conversation with God…which makes it sound easy. However, learning to pray can be intimidating! Thankfully Jesus has provided us with a structure for prayer that can help us draw closer to God in simple and personal ways.
Week 3: You Are What You Eat
You become what you consume. If you put in good, good will come out. If you put in bad, bad will come out. It’s certainly true with the physical food we eat, but it’s also true on a spiritual level, with the things that we consume with our eyes and with our ears each day. To start this year off strong, we want to learn how to consume and hide God’s word in our hearts.
Week 3: Growing With God Through Solitude and Silence
Jesus modeled when and how to connect with God in a busy world. When we follow the examples Jesus modeled, intentionally removing the loud distractions of daily life, God takes important action in our lives.
Week 2: Lord, Teach Us To Pray
Prayer is meant to be a conversation with God…which makes it sound easy. However, learning to pray can be intimidating! Thankfully Jesus has provided us with a structure for prayer that can help us draw closer to God in simple and personal ways.
Week 2: Running On Empty
We're always on the move, never slowing down. Are you exhausted? Feel like you are running on empty? It doesn't have to be like that. God has offered us a better way.
Week 1: Growing With God Through Solitude and Silence
Jesus modeled when and how to connect with God in a busy world. When we follow the examples Jesus modeled, intentionally removing the loud distractions of daily life, God takes important action in our lives.
Week 1: You Are What You Eat
You become what you consume. If you put in good, good will come out. If you put in bad, bad will come out. It’s certainly true with the physical food we eat, but it’s also true on a spiritual level, with the things that we consume with our eyes and with our ears each day. To start this year off strong, we want to learn how to consume and hide God’s word in our hearts.