What Distinguishes Your Life
As we wrap up our series today we are reminded that like the Israelites in Exodus, as Christians, we are also The People of God. Just as God had a distinct purpose for His people then, He has a distinct purpose for His people today. Looking for some practical ways to live a “distinguished” life? Have a listen as we examine what others have called the B.L.E.S.S. practices.
What Were They Thinking?!
Exodus 32 records one of the greatest failures of faith in all of Scripture, and it leaves us asking “What were they thinking?!” But it’s not just a story of something that happened to people in the past, it’s also meant to reveal an issue we all struggle with today.
It’s All In The Details
Life is filled with details…and while some seem to matter to us more than others, ALL of them matter to God. Exodus 25-31 contains a series of details that are meant to reveal just how personal God desires to be in our lives.
Treasures and Skills
Exodus 25-27 and 35-40 detail the building of the Tabernacle for the People of God. But the Lord didn’t just give instructions to Moses on how to build His sanctuary. He asked for the people to give an offering of their Treasure and their skill.
Tall Mountains
People climb mountains everyday and for all sorts of reasons. Moses was a mountain climber, but he wasn't motivated by the adventure or the thrill. It was something else, the most important thing about him... and the most important thing about our lives too.
The Big 10
What would you say if someone asked you what the 10 commandments are and if they are still relevant to us today?
Far and Near
In Exodus 19 and 20 the Israelites learn a valuable lesson that still applies to us today: God’s holiness separates Him from us…but He still longs to be close to us.
Jesus Is Our Banner
As the People of God, we are called to rally around the banner of Jesus Christ. We have to learn to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit, tell the Good News of Jesus Christ, and share the ministry of helping people find their way back to God.
Easter - “True or False”
The power of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead can be hard to believe. His closest followers struggled to believe even though the tomb was empty! But for nearly 2,000 years, people have gathered together to celebrate and share the good news that Jesus is alive and has come to bring us peace with God.
Wilderness Tests
The question isn't whether we will go through the wilderness, it's when & how. We all go through seasons of life that are hard & challenging. The good news is that the wilderness is not the final stop. God can use the time to grow our faith and increase our trust in Him as The People of God.
Stuck & Nowhere To Go
Exodus 13 & 14 describe the beginning of a really long road trip and the most difficult predicament Israel had ever faced up to this point in their history. But what makes their situation unique is that God's response to it will become one of the most talked about, most celebrated events in Israel's history. And there are lessons in it that relate to us too!
Going Deeper - Dr. Cyndi Parker - The Passover (Part 2)
Dr. Cyndi Parker goes deeper into the Passover and what it looks like from the perspective of Jesus.
Look! The Lamb of God!
In John chapter 1 Jesus is referred to as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world…but have you ever wondered why? These powerful words are meant to point us to a historical event that has been recorded for us in the book of Exodus.
The Passover (Part 1)
Guest speaker Dr. Cyndi Parker joins us this week to give a two-part teaching on the Passover.
Coming To Blows
In the first nine plagues, God begins to fight for his people and shows the extent to which he will go to redeem them.
Don't Be A Pharaoh
Exodus 7-10 tells a story of God's might on display versus Egyptian gods. But as we see, there are takeaways for us as believers, to put our trust fully in the Lord's plan for our life, and not harden ourselves to His voice.
The Power Of A Name
Early in the book of Exodus God begins to make the power of his name known to a variety of different people. The question they were faced with is the same question we wrestle with today: do we trust in the promises of God and the power of His name, or will we choose to ignore them and turn away from Him?
God Over Self
God uses imperfect people to accomplish his perfect will.
Becoming The People Of God
The book of Exodus tells us how God claimed the Israelites as his very own people, and the good news is that the same is true for anyone that has put their faith in Jesus today!
A Time To Celebrate!
It’s important to take time to stop and celebrate the work that God is doing in our lives and through our church family. Join us today as we celebrate how God has blessed Genesis over the last year, and learn more about our new series in Exodus, “The People of God.”