We Need Forgiveness More Than Healing

We Need Forgiveness More Than Healing
Ken Long (Carmel Campus)
We Need Forgiveness More Than Healing
Jeff Nelsen (Noblesville Campus)

Touching the Untouchable

Touching the Untouchable
Jerry Naville (Carmel Campus)
Touching the Untouchable
Paul Mumaw (Noblesville Campus)

Early Riser

Early Riser
Dan Towle (Carmel Campus)
Early Riser
Justin Tunmore (Noblesville Campus)

Ministry Can Happen Anywhere

Ministry Can Happen Anywhere
Paul Mumaw (Carmel Campus)
Ministry Can Happen Anywhere
Jerry Naville (Noblesville Campus)

Jesus Uses
Ordinary People

Jesus Uses Ordinary People
Jerry Naville (Carmel Campus)
Jesus Uses Ordinary People
Paul Mumaw (Noblesville Campus)

Following in the Steps of Jesus

 Following in the Steps of Jesus
Jerry Naville (Carmel Campus)
 Following in the Steps of Jesus
Paul Mumaw (Noblesville Campus)

The Message & The Messenger

The Message & The Messenger
Jerry Naville (Carmel Campus)
The Message & The Messenger
Paul Mumaw (Noblesville Campus)