His Presence WITH Us Today
Because of Jesus’ finished work we can know that he is with us today, and that gives us hope for the future.
Immanuel: The Answer in our Waiting
Christmas is a time to celebrate the arrival of Jesus as proof that God has come to be with us, but it’s also a reminder that we are waiting for him to return again as the eternal King of Kings who will be with us forever.
It's All About the Presence
Christmas reminds us that Jesus is Immanuel, God with us. That message is so important for those of us who have put our faith in Him. It's also a reminder of the responsibility we have to help others experience His presence too.
Immanuel With You
Christmas can mean a lot of things. Don't miss what's most important. God sent Jesus, Immanuel. What was true then is true today. He is God WITH Us.